Shift split system for staff

The client owns a large chain of restaurants with a lot of employees (both full-time and part-time).

Technology stacks

PHP, Laravel, Reactjs, React Native

Development Team

0.5 PM, 2 PHP, 2 ReactJS, 1 ReactNative, 1 QC


3 months


Customers do not have a system to divide shifts and manage workers, but only using excel manual, which is time consuming and generates many errors.

HBLAB's Solutions

Build a system to manage shifts and employees for customers. Use AI to optimize the calculation of shifts for employees. Specifically:

- UserApp: 1. Register working schedule, 2. Check-in, check-out, 3. Contact store manager

- CMS admin page:

+ Schedule work based on the schedule that the employee registers

+ Manage employee information, store information

+ Data storage and periodic statistics report

+ Manage check-in, check-out of employees


  • The system can handle all problems customers are facing in shift division and employee management.
  • Save time, easily check data, export attendance information, pay salary
  • Convenient for staff when checking in - checkout


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