Accounting, Payroll, Timekeeping System

The company provides accounting, payroll and timekeeping systems for construction companies. The company is holding a large market share in the Japanese market.
Accounting, Payroll, Timekeeping System


The customer’s attendance management system only works on the Desktop, making it difficult to flexibly manage and use.

HBLAB's Solutions

  1. Develop web and mobile versions based on desktop apps available from customers
  2. Optimize the system for customers with actions:
  • Add budget reference screen
  • Add feature to be able to specify screen time when testing
  • Make sure connecting multiple databases to the timesheet cloud
  • Fix interface: warning, button,…

Project details

  • Used Technologies Backend: Java, Javascript, Front end: Nextjs
  • Development Team 1 PM, 1 Comtor, 2 Developers (1 BE, 1 FE)
  • Duration 9 months


  • The web app system works well, smoothly, there are no old system bugs
  • Connect multiple databases to the timesheet cloud (max 99 databases) without reducing performance quality

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