Toy selling Website

The client is a children’s toys & books sales business
Toy selling website

클라이언트 요구 사항

The client is a children’s toys & books sales business. In order to catch up with modern trends and increase revenue by expanding online channels, they want to build an e-commerce website.

HBLAB의 솔루션

HBLAB used EC Cube platform to build an online sales system for customers.

To match the product characteristics, HBLAB has customized some additional functions including:

  • Item classification
  • Manage sub-orders…

프로젝트 세부정보

  • 사용 기술 EC CUBE, AWS, MySQL
  • 개발팀 1 PM, 1 BrSE, 6 Developers, 2 Testers, 1 Comtor
  • 프로젝트 기간 5 months


After operating, the online sales system meets the needs of more than 2 million users. Also, it helps customers optimize speed and operating costs.

관련 사례

성공적인 프로젝트 사례를 통해 귀사의 비즈니스에 대한 아이디어를 얻고, HBLAB과의 파트너십이 왜 올바른 선택인지 확인해보세요.
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