MAE Platform Developed by HBLAB
HBLAB and partners jointly proposed the idea of implementing a platform that can help users easily locate.

클라이언트 요구 사항
Large locations and complex structures make it difficult for first-timers to find and move to the area they need, especially office buildings, commercial centers, exhibitions, etc.
HBLAB의 솔루션
HBLAB and partners jointly proposed the idea of implementing a platform that can help users easily locate. This platform can be quickly customized based on the space that customers want to apply.
프로젝트 세부정보
사용 기술 AR-VR
개발팀 - 3 Developers (Front end)
- 3 Developers (Backend infrastructure) -
프로젝트 기간 Minimum 1 month
With end-users:
- Locate easily
- Increase good user experience
With businesses/clients:
- Renew business image
- Optimize cost and time (within 1 month only)
관련 사례
성공적인 프로젝트 사례를 통해 귀사의 비즈니스에 대한 아이디어를 얻고, HBLAB과의 파트너십이 왜 올바른 선택인지 확인해보세요.
Customer's human resource management system uses NifCloud platform, lack of auto scale and centralized log database.
A software company provides hospitals and clinics with the system to record, process and analyze data from smart watches to record patient health status.