Electronic medical record system connected with smart watch

A software company provides hospitals and clinics with the system to record, process and analyze data from smart watches to record patient health status.
Electronic medical record system connected with smart watch

클라이언트 요구 사항

It is difficult to monitor the patient’s regular indicators to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, the patients themselves could not remember exactly their symptoms when explaining their medical condition to the doctor.

To deal with this, synchronizing data from smart watches that patients use into the medical record system is becoming trend, which helps to monitor realistically and give effective warnings. 

However, customers cannot access and synchronize data with smartwatches.

HBLAB의 솔루션

  • Connect to the database of specified watch brand, collect data and develop a management system for end-users (doctors of hospitals) to access and monitor.
  • Build up a decentralized system to use for different hospitals / doctors / patients and ensure confidentiality.
  • Due to the fact that the health information from the watch is constantly updated per second, HBLAB recommends customers use Timestream instead of MySQL to ensure the update speed and compatibility with the health data.

프로젝트 세부정보

  • 사용 기술 Laravel, PostgreSQL, Timestream
  • 개발팀 0.5PM, 0.5 Comtor / BA, 3 PHP, 2 QC
  • 프로젝트 기간 5 months


Directly connect and collect almost real-time data from the watch into the system, helping doctors and medical facilities have the most accurate and up-to-date data for diagnosing and treating.

Customer Feedback:

Thank you for your kindness and empathy. I would like to thank HBLAB’s Bridge SE, especially for incorporating Kaizen MTG and dealing with other projects. Thank you very much for your efforts.

관련 사례

성공적인 프로젝트 사례를 통해 귀사의 비즈니스에 대한 아이디어를 얻고, HBLAB과의 파트너십이 왜 올바른 선택인지 확인해보세요.
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