Ed-tech Platform
The customer has developed the first version of the platform on gdns.gakken.jp, but this version still has some weaknesses in UI, UX, and functionality
클라이언트 요구 사항
The customer has developed the first version of the platform on gdns.gakken.jp, but this version still has some weaknesses in UI, UX, and functionality. To accelerate the development and improve the UI and UX issues, Gakken Method has hired HBLAB to develop and enhance their platform with the following features:
- Creating school accounts: create accounts for schools, teachers, and students
- Teachers can create classes or their own study groups within the classes according to their management needs.
- Teachers can design and upload their own curriculum or exercises for their classes or groups. They can also set the grading and evaluation criteria for each exercise, such as passing score, time limit, feedback, etc.
HBLAB의 솔루션
- Edit interface, consult to make it more user-friendly, attractive, and intuitive (done)
- Stabilise and structure the environment through Agile (in progress)
- Improve loading speed
- Create catalog component (in progress)
- Add comments for source code (in progress)
- Increase extensibility for coding (in progress)
- Hotjar embed
- Prepare the environment for CI/CD
- Upgrade version Vue2⇒Vue3
프로젝트 세부정보
사용 기술 1 Director JP (Tsuji - 20-30%), 1 Designer UI/UX (20-30%), 0.5 PM, 1 comtor, 2 Developers (Front end), 2 Developers (Back end), 2 Testers
개발팀 Ruby on rail, Vue 2 JS
프로젝트 기간 4 months
관련 사례
성공적인 프로젝트 사례를 통해 귀사의 비즈니스에 대한 아이디어를 얻고, HBLAB과의 파트너십이 왜 올바른 선택인지 확인해보세요.
Customer's human resource management system uses NifCloud platform, lack of auto scale and centralized log database.
A software company provides hospitals and clinics with the system to record, process and analyze data from smart watches to record patient health status.