All-in-one system for Driving Training Company
클라이언트 요구 사항
This customer runs a vocational school that offers various driving courses for different types of vehicles. The school has a large number of branches and students, and each student needs a vehicle to practice on. Therefore, the customer needs a system that can help them manage their branches, courses, vehicles, and students effectively. The system should also include an e-learning component that can provide online lessons and assessments for the students.
HBLAB의 솔루션
The system HBLAB has built: includes 4 websites and 2 apps to manage the entire training, teaching, and driving license exam practicing process. This system is used for schools in Vietnam so it’s designed and can be used in Vietnamese.
+ Web 1 – Training management system: for schools’ administrator usage in managing students, theory class, practical class, time schedule, data importing and analyzing, vehicle dividing and handing over process, test results, teacher and enrollment status.
+ Web 2: Learning progress management system: Managing questions, exam setting, question importing, students/teachers managing, students analyzing, questions classifying.
+ Web 3: Driving license test practicing system + App for students: Basic question practicing, mock exams, frequently wrong-answered questions reviewing.
+ Web 4: Training schools management system: In use driving schools management system.
+ App for teacher usage: Time schedule management, theory class attendance management, practical class teacher’s report management.
프로젝트 세부정보
- 사용 기술 - Programming language: PHP
- Framework: Laravel
- Cloud: AWS, EC2, RDS, ElasticBeanstalk, S3, CloudFront, Load balancing, Auto scaling - 개발팀 1 BrSe, 1 PM, 8 Developers, 1 QC, 1 Comtor
- 프로젝트 기간 3 years