Although opening an internet store may seem difficult, it can be satisfying and incredibly successful when done correctly. You may quickly and easily overcome the challenges of e-commerce with the help of a reliable website builder to win over clients and generate revenue immediately. In today’s post, we will be looking into an easy-to-use ecommerce website development software that might help you with your online business – SeoToaster 

What are SeoToaster and SeoToaster Ecommerce?

SeoToaster is a three-in-one product combining SeoToaster Ecommerce, SeoToaster CRM, and SeoToaster CMS. It provides a full-featured ecommerce website development software, a shopping cart, and a CRM with sales and marketing automation. With a free membership, you can integrate and manage SeoToaster-powered websites with WordPress sites in the SambaSaaS marketing cloud, providing you access to search rankings, a social media calendar, centralized blogging, newsletter marketing, and more all under one roof. 

While SeoToaster offers a wide range of services, today’s post will specifically discuss SeoToaster Ecommerce. SeoToaster Ecommerce is the ideal open source, free ecommerce website development software for creating an online store for physical and digital goods or a B2B website without the limitations of more expensive options. It is an effective tool for building multi-store networks of independent shops or several web stores that share a centralized catalog for franchise networks, affiliate networks, SEO consultants, and online agencies.

Why choose SeoToaster Ecommerce as your ecommerce website development software?

ecommerce website development software

By providing an accurate content management system along with a contemporary ecommerce website development software, and a cloud-based multi-site marketing platform, SeoToaster Ecommerce helps your online business thrive better than ever. 

Let’s take a look at some of the great features that your e-commerce website may have with the help of SeoToaster Ecommerce: 

  • Product Display: The conversion rates of your store’s product landing pages are increased by excellent images, cutting-edge user experiences, and captivating layouts. Also, have you heard that SeoToaster offers the highest level of flexibility for landing page customization? 
  • Open Source Shopping Cart: The free online store cart SeoToaster is the most versatile tool ever, allowing even complete customization of the checkout page design and the construction of numerous variants of the checkout page for simple testing. 
  • Web Quote System: An effective web-based quotation engine integrated into SeoToaster is perfect for addressing “complicated sales” scenarios. Your capacity to offer speedy quotations to your website visitors is essential to online sales in today’s B2B internet marketing. 
  • Manage Zones: You can add as many zones as you want using this ecommerce website development software’s zone management interface, which groups ZIP code and country combinations. Then, shipping and tax regulations can be established using these zones. 
  • Tax Configuration: Up to three sales tax rates can be easily configured for each designated geographic zone. Products can then be taxed using any sales tax bracket, with the system applying the appropriate amount of tax based on the client’s location. 
  • Shipping Configuration: With the help of the simple-to-configure cart weight or cart amount-based computation, you can add shipping costs to each order on your free and open-source SeoToaster web store builder. 
  • Microdata Product Landing Pages: What effects do you have on the click-through rate (CTR) on search engine results pages? You can benefit more from the HTML 5 Microdata requirements than the majority of available technologies for search engine optimization.
  • SSL Certificate For Shopping Cart: You can choose to have the HTTP or HTTPS version of your website searched by search engines, and SeoToaster’s built-in canonicalization ensures that all link juice goes to the correct sites.
  • PCI And PA DSS Compliance: Your sensitive payment information is kept at PayPal and other gateway providers, who are PCI Compliant, not on SeoToaster Ecommerce’s servers. They prioritize security even if they don’t store private information in your SeoToaster installation.
  • Client Area: Web store owners may handle orders in the fantastic online client area provided by ecommerce website development software SeoToaster, and consumers can monitor the delivery status of their previous and ongoing orders. 
  • E-commerce Store Dashboard: Get key informational charts and data for your online business operations at a glance. Adding fresh dashboard themes to your free and open source ecommerce website development software installation can change store dashboards as desired.
  • Sales Dashboard: The average order value, sales breakdown by the customer, product type, brand, tags, and location are all included in the default reporting features. 
  • Order Management: You have access to a complete order management system: powerful filters, quick searches, instant at-a-glance access, and the option to launch emails instantly. 
  • Catalog Management: A strong mass product management interface is available in the store’s back-end. Adding or removing a product tag, changing the price, or changing the tax categorization across thousands of products can all be done from this area in under a minute.
  • E-commerce Website Development Software Marketing: Promotional sales, coupons for discounts, customer group pricing, effective email retargeting, and smart e-commerce analytics. With SeoToaster Ecommerce, everything is free and included.
  • Social Media Marketing Tools: SeoToaster serves as a solution for managing social media for your company. Post updates directly from the admin panel to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn instead of logging into each service separately.

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Wrapping Up

Now that you got a grip on SeoToaster Ecommerce, it’s time to test it out! When it comes to ecommerce website development software, there are many options to choose from and of course, each of them comes with its own pros and cons. If you are wondering what may be the best option for you, contact us for consultation with experts in the field. 

Your business can grow by using suitable ecommerce website development software. With so many free website builders to choose from, you’re sure to discover the finest one for creating an online store that you’re proud of, wows visitors, and generates sales on its own.