HBLAB: Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today for a customer interview.
As I understand, Telemax is an Australian private company specializing in wireless positioning (GPS) technology and fleet management services. I find that I’m very impressive. So is there anything else that you like to share with us about your company?
Ash Phayer: We handle fleet management, but our main focus is on the rental market, specifically rental car and subscription companies. Everything that we do is for those two types of markets. Our goal is to help them either save money, make money, or manage their fleet more effectively. We’re very specialized in what we do.
How did we get started?
HBLAB: How did you know about us?
Ash Phayer: Initially, we weren’t looking for a whole company or group to assist us; we were seeking a freelancer. However, when HBLAB reached out, they convinced us that we would receive more comprehensive support if we went that way. So we did.
HBLAB: That’s interesting. By the way, what was your initial impression of our company?
Ash Phayer: At first, I wasn’t sure since we’d worked with overseas IT teams before, mainly from India. I’d heard good things about the Vietnamese IT sector, but I hadn’t seen it firsthand. It wasn’t until we had several discussions with your team and interviewed potential candidates that I started to see the skill level was much higher than we had normally had in the past.
HBLAB: What makes Vietnam and specifically our company - HBLAB, an ideal choice for IT outsourcing?
Ash Phayer: Yeah, there are some things that make HBLAB very attractive.
The first one, I’d say it’s your company culture. Everyone there seems genuinely happy to work, and it feels like employees are encouraged to grow rather than just fit a box. Two of your values like Honesty & Responsibility really align with how we do business.
The second one was the price. We could get two to almost three developers for the price of an Australian developer. That was good for us because it wasn’t just about getting someone cheap. It’s more that we can have more in a team working on a project to get something done. This means that we have two to three brains working on it instead of just one person. And that’s from reducing risk and also getting more knowledge.
HBLAB: It's so good to know that we can bring some good value with an affordable price to your team.
Ash Phayer: Yeah, a quality price.
Experience working with HBLAB
HBLAB: The next question, during the project collaboration, what aspects of HBLAB’s performance stood out to you as strengths?
Ash Phayer: Well, your communication was outstanding. Your team clearly explained project details, including how you approach projects and previous experiences. Besides, I think the main thing that sort of got our attention was that your team is very good at understanding a complicated process very quickly and then simplifying it so that you’re able to quote it quite quickly. Most other companies cannot do that.
Another standout factor is your AI department. Your AI department is very good and also your project management team is excellent.
HBLAB: How did you find your experience during your recent business trip to Vietnam with HBLAB? What aspects of our working environment, team, or culture stood out most to you?
Ash Phayer: How big your offices were and how many people you had there and how happy they all seemed. It’s a very very nice environment, and your management has set up systems so that people can grow, flourish, and live by the values important to your company. You can tell it’s not just words; people actually believe in those values. You can see them growing and wanting to be there.
Future Prospects
HBLAB: Thank you so much. And, the MOU between us is just the beginning of a long-term collaboration. So how do you envision the partnership with HBLAB developing in the future?
Ash Phayer: As our company grows, we plan to expand our team at HBLAB. We’re even considering sending over some of our staff to collaborate more closely with your team. With HBLAB’s support, I feel confident about taking on larger contracts, knowing we can quickly access top talent as needed. I know that HBLAB can support me. So that’s where I see it at the moment of signing that MOU. We’re confident already that we had a good relationship and that we could grow together.
HBLAB: Thank you for that confidence, Ash. Finally, would you be open to recommending HBLAB to other potential clients or partners?
Ash Phayer: Yes, I would highly recommend HBLAB. I’ve even started reaching out to both internal and external software companies in my network to recommend HBLAB’s services. Many people are hesitant to use offshore teams because of some of the negative stigma around it. But I’ve been the one to say, actually, HBLAB isn’t like that at all. In fact, the quality you get is often even higher than what we can find here in Australia.
HBLAB: That's really good to hear. Thank you for your trust in us and we will remain linked to this high standard for our future collaboration together. Thank you so much for your time today!